Wish us an uneventful flight...
Kenzie has flown on several occasions to date, and done amazingly well. I surmise that we may be in for a doozy one of these days soon, especially since she’s prone to want to explore rather than being confined to a lap, at this stage.
On Wednesday, we’re flying back to the Midwest for a wedding and visit with family. We’re stocked with a few new toys and the portable DVD player to facilitate an uneventful flight. We’re flying during naptime, so maybe we’ll earn a peaceful & slumbering child slung over our shoulder (something that NEVER happens).
I dread being the scapegoat parent who earns exasperated sighs of “would you shut that child up already?” – so wish us luck on our direct flights! We're bringing Play-doh in the event that we get REALLY desperate. She LOVES Play-doh, and says the term perfectly! We'll wear the specks and smears of Play-doh proudly if it earns us a quiet and contented toddler.