~Bedtime Routine~
When Kenzie was younger, we began a steadfast bedtime routine. That routine began with a bath, teeth brushing, a little wiggle time, followed by a few books. We tried to keep it simple and consistent.
However, the routine has progressed into a sophisticated cycle of events that gets longer and longer as Kenzie gets older. She requests several books and recognizes them by sight from the numerous spines all lined up on her bookshelf. She has developed her favorites and requests/demands them: "Moon" (a moon nightlight book), "Hush" (one of three books with a mention of "hush"), "grrrr" (one of a zillion jungle books). After Books and before rocking, Doug begins his "goodnight." Before Doug can exit the room and we commence with rocking/singing...he has to play a game of "OK...I'm leaving now!" (only to return and tickle her) "Ok...I'm leaving NOW!" (only to return, etc.). Then comes the saying "I Loooove Yooooou" (with sign language). She says..."I" and waits for us to finish the saying. Over, and Over.
Finally, we rock & she begins a long list of song requests ("Row" for row, row row your boat; "Moo" for Old McDonald, and "Hush" for Hush, little baby). I then put her down in her crib with plenty of smooches while she pretend-hides her mouth with Doodle Poodle (her security blanket). We're almost there. Almost done. However, sleeping requires company in her crib - and her nighttime crew can change each evening. She calls out animal sounds until we get the right friends and put them ..all.. to sleep.
It's turned into quite the routine, and it only appears to be getting longer... I wonder if when she's twelve ~ the routine will be so long that we start it in the mid-afternoon.
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