Happy Birthday Dear Husband...
...and might I just say that this falls much to close to Christmas for me to give it proper attention and planning?
I'm sorry my heart has been overwhelmed lately and I watched the days tick by without coming up with a single good idea for your birthday celebration. I'm hopeful that having that little being - that we created - in your presence, will fill your birthday with a lot of joy...
Her little snuggles are good stuff!
Have a Wonderful day today. I will be wishing I could share it with you...and will try and demonstrate a pleasant demeanor for at least 15 minutes - specifically in your honor. Hopefully, you'll catch me during that spell and can share in all its glory.
We shall belatedly celebrate with gifts, food, & drink after these next 16 agonizing days pass. I'll look forward to it... & I love you!
Baby Doug - a "few" years ago...
Don't suppose there's any resemblance to the Kenzie-doodle here??