She's a smart one, Kenzie is!
Nanny Mary came today after having the past week off. Kenzie was pretty cute about it, squealing with delight and making Nanny Mary feel adequately useful. She ate like a pig, the new food Mary prepared...smacked her chest in the Farsi "Love you" gesture...and hug, hug, hugged Mary. This of course, made Nanny Mary very happy.
Nanny Mary says Kenzie has gotten EVEN smarter this past week. (said while knocking on her head - another Farsi gesture which is intended to offset bad luck). She noticed Kenzie to be more communicative saying repeatedly something that sounds like "what's this?" while pointing at rocks, buttons, clocks, walls, fans, keys, yada, yada, yada.
After Mary called attention to it - I indeed did notice that Kenzie is more "inquisitive." She's counting everything...ah, oh, ooh, uh, eh... . She's also singing along in a garbled resemblance of her favorite songs, which would include: This old man...; The wheels on the bus...; and Row, Row, Row your boat...
Today, she showed me the hand sign for shoes and tried to say it simultaneously too! What a smarty!! Mimickry is an amazing thing, and way stinking cute!