A new kind of camping.
A good time was had by all in the RV's maiden camping voyage. Rylan slept his longest stretch ever, reminding us of Kenzie on her first trip. Ironically, upon reviewing pictures, we also noticed they wore the same sleeper on their first trips!!! Both tots also "camped" for the first time at around 6-7 weeks of age. Of course, Kenzie's trip was a bit more hardcore given it involved tent camping high up in the CA mountains. Rylan sure wasn't complaining about the comforts of the RV. Nor was Mama. And Daddy just had a wickedly pleased gleam in his eye!!
Our trip occurred on the Friday before Kenzie's birthday weekend. We planned to stay overnight, pack up and return for our friend Mia's birthday party on Saturday. Friday's weather was a bit chilly, so it was a perfect trip for the nice warm, heated RV. Kenzie was also not quite herself due to having a cold, which had settled in "clogged ears," as she put it.
As I mentioned, Rylan slept well. Poor Kenzie woke up midway through the night fearing she'd wet the bed. Unfortunately, I'd given her a sippy cup of water and it had fallen over and spilled on her! So, she climbed into bed with Daddy and was comfy for the rest of the night. Although - she did tell daddy to "Stop being so LOUD on her." (daddy snores).
We were truly sad to leave the next morning, which presented the most beautiful weather. We're looking forward to many more trips!!
Labels: Camping
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