Rainy day
Rain, rain...go away...
Little Kenzie wants to play....
Or, sometimes we just have to give up and go outside anyway. It's officially fall (even though our trees aren't showing it yet), and we're trying to wrap our minds around the chilly brisk air and rainy days. At least there is fun to be had by catching raindrops on her tongue.
I've been slow at updating the blog lately and have made a short list of things that I wanted to document, such as the following:
Kenzie is apparently, rather frequently reminded of the family "rules." As result, she also takes such liberties in reminding her parents of the rules too. These reminders usually start with:
"Mama. You. know. the. rules."
And, then are followed with some odd interpretation of HER rules which are generally pretty cute and smile inducing. Like:
1. Mama, we don't talk about bottoms unless we're using the toilet. (this rule was instated during a phase where Kenzie talked about bottoms and what comes out of them...incessantly).
2. Daddy, you have to say "Excuse me" after you do THAT.
3. Mama, you have to keep the scissors put away otherwise I might get them. (holding said scissors in her hand to make her point).
Unfortunately, I can't seem to remember the really cute and absurd rules she implements, but there do seem to be a lot of them!!
We've also made a silly mistake of explaining some of the buttons in our SUV and how they work. There is a yellow button that controls the descent of the vehicle when on steep incline environments. Essentially, you push the button and it drives you down the mountainside. Kenzie however, has taken to yelling: "Mama!! Push the Yellow But-ton!!!" every freaking time we are heading to the peak of a hill. It is my job to do this and I have to, of course, -fake- pushing the yellow button at the top of any itsy-bitsy little hill. It's getting old. Perhaps, we should trade in the car... :)
Labels: playing outside
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