two more advents...
Tonight the draw was:
Except, we (or Daddy that is...) proclaimed it too difficult to play the drum to Christmas music, so he organized a play list of our favorite songs instead.
I was really expecting this to be a hit. We like music, drums, and are eager dancers. We had fun, but the gal beat on the drums about four times and was done with them.
Poor Doug was hanging around to do this with us - before heading off for a night with his friends.
When the drums didn't do it, we turned to dancing and being silly. Kenzie drug out her gallons of plastic animals and started organizing them into her typical follow-the-leader parades. Mom & dad drank a beer and danced, and it was still fun despite being far-off from the original activity. (again we just adjusted our expectations). Kenzie sporadically danced around and at a late point in the activity she ran over and plunked this hat on my head. Daddy managed to have the camera handy, and Mama got lucky with a few cute shots. {The camera isn't typically too nice to me....}
Tomorrow, the grand finale of advent:
We're so incredibly blessed to have such a bright and spunky gal to share the holidays with. We can't wait for the next stage of all this fun. It's gonna be a merry holiday!!
Labels: Advent