Goodbye balmy, hello freezing...
It's been lovely and gorgeous weather for us the past few days. We could run about jacketless and some of the crazier kids were even wearing shorts and going shoeless. {I'm still shoeless, but I think only snow could convince me that I need to put some on.} It's been upper 60's for a good several days now. Last night, we even went for a late day jog..and then walked the whole neighborhood (like Kenzie and I did in San Diego last year) to see all the Christmas lights. We're happy to see that our whole 'hood takes Christmas lighting VERY seriously. Fun stuff.
Today, things are going downhill fast, and I'm not happy about it. We're talking lower 20's, freezing rain, and even some rumors of snow.
I guess these are the last of the warm weather photos.
Funny notations:
1. Mommy got Kenzie all hyped up for story hour again today, traveled to the library and learned that story time is on "winter break" until January. I did that last session too. She didn't find keeping quiet in the adult section nearly as fun as child's story hour.
3. Kenzie has been telling us a lot that she's "dizzy." We usually react by trying to diagnose her symptoms of illness, wondering where they came from. Finally, we realized that she means "busy." She's busy. So, we've been correcting her misuse of the word "dizzy" and substituting "busy" where it should be. Yesterday, as I was reading her a book about bugs - it said something to the effect of: "all that bussing made Ruby dizzy." Kenzie promptly interrupted me and told me: "NO, Mama - It's busy. not dizzy. busy!!"
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