Resuming the cuteness
With fear and trepidation about lost time and failed posts, I'm gonna give it a shot anyway....
Cute story: Today, after taking a late in the day shower, I walk in to retrieve Kenzie from her crib. I smell of perfume, and I walk in to expect her to be grouchy as she is everyday immediately as she awakens. As I'm standing there, looking over her snuggled into her pillow with eyes still heavy from sleep - she sniffs and grins. She says "Mama, I can see you with my nose!!" and then makes some exaggerated sniffing sounds. How terribly cute the things that come out of her mouth are...
We've been spending many a day playing Follow the Leader and Hide and Seek -- Kenzie's two favorite games. She is rather bossy and says: "Mama Hide, Kenzie Seek." This is what I see, when rushing off to hide while she counts to 10, or 7, or 4. She makes the rules, and she's taken to cheating already!!
We've spent many days at the pool lately, and Kenzie is growing comfortable with the water in many ways. She'll now float (with me holding her, of course), with her head totally laid back in the water. She's also never done this in the tub - a situation that was likely due to her never. having. enough. hair. to. require. much. effort. to. wash. We'd just rinse with a cup and be done. Now, we have enough hair to justify laying back in the tub! {well almost}.
And, I just like this one - no story attached: