The Leader
Each preschool day, Kenzie asks if we'll be there "on time" for her favorite part. After reminding her that we are NEVER late, she proceeds to say "good, because my favorite part of the day is when the teachers sing: "Stand up, stand up, we need our friends to stand up..." and then the teachers call out clues based on their clothing for whom needs to sit down. The last person standing gets to be the leader for the next class.
Kenzie LOVES being the leader. On this particular day, Rylan and I joined the class to watch her in action. Sitting in the leader chair, she wore the most vibrant smile. She took the weather report (hanging the weather wand out the door to determine the amount of wind) and drawing her impressions of the day's weather onto paper. She counted out the days on the calendar with all her friends enthusiastically chanting along with her. She set the tables up with sensory objects and each person's daily task note. She was very proud of and steadfast in her duties as the classroom leader. It was really fun to witness!
Labels: Preschool